Anne H. Hébert

Postdoctoral research fellow, Johns Hopkins University

annehhebert [AT]


I'm a postdoctoral researcher at Johns Hopkins University, working with Professor Alison L. Hill.

I completed my physics PhD at Harvard University in May 2021, doing research on ultracold quantum gases in the Greiner lab.



Increasing burden of opioid overdose mortality in the United States: Years of life lost by age, race, and state from 2019-2021

Anne H. Hébert, Alison L. Hill

Dipolar quantum solids emerging in a Hubbard quantum simulator

Lin Su, Alexander Douglas, Michal Szurek, Robin Groth, S. Furkan Ozturk, Aaron Krahn, Anne H. Hébert, Gregory A. Phelps, Sepehr Ebadi, Susannah Dickerson, Francesca Ferlaino, Ognjen Markovic, Markus Greiner

Nature, 2023

Sub-second production of a quantum degenerate gas

Gregory A. Phelps, Anne H. Hébert, Aaron Krahn, Susannah Dickerson, Furkan Öztörk, Sepehr Ebadi, Lin Su, Markus Greiner
